Thursday, April 14, 2011

Five food good for men

If you wants to improve your mood, memory, your muscle ... without drugs, please pay attention to eating habits, the foods good for the following:

Sardines and cardiovascular health

Sardines are one of the very good food source for the cardiovascular health, because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and especially there is little danger to the body such as mercury and PCBs (a highly toxic substance, cause abnormalities about gen in fish.) Sardines are also an animal friendly environment, rich in protein and low in saturated fat. Besides, canned sardines have reasonable price and easy maintenance. Smell of sardines will be better when used with salad.

Japanese soybeans (edamame) good mood

Our moods influence from many factors such as the events happen in life, the brain also depends on the food that we eat. Among these factors only food factor is that we can completely control. The fiber-rich foods such as oats and soy Japan may help prevent mood fluctuations by keeping blood sugar stable. Besides having a lot of protein to help stabilize blood sugar, soy Japan also rich in omega-3 fatty acids effective against depression and nervous tension. You can choose to buy soybean frozen at the supermarket.

Chestnuts Brazil good for healthy prostate

Chestnuts in Brazin are one of the best food sources rich in selenium, selenium is a mineral that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. But because it is a trace element selenium may be more toxic to the body if we absorb too much (more than 400 micrograms / day). Chestnuts Brazin contain an approximately 100mcg of selenium, so we just need to eat about 1-2 grains per day is sufficient.

Sesame seeds (sesame), good for sex

Not only cheap, safe for the body but also sesame seeds are rich in arginine amino acid, plays an important role in the synthesis of nitric oxide, a compound that helps blood flow from arteries to other organs be better.

Lentils provide energy

Lentils are rich in fiber and protein helps slow digestion and give your body a significant energy source. In addition, we also have B vitamins necessary for energy production and iron helps carry oxygen to red blood cells.

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