Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wonderful foods help you lose weight

Many wonderful foods, herbs and spices facilitate weight loss and help preserve muscle. Refer to the following information and drawn
a reasonable diet with these foods will help you lose weight

Drinking a glass of low fat milk every day will help you have health good , because it is rich in calcium. Calcium plays an important role in regulating and fat metabolism. It is thought that calcium will help you balance the fat cells in your body and your body balanced and more harmonious.Salmon
Salmon provides omega-3 fats, which can regulate blood sugar, helps you quickly hungry. The omega-3 fats help increase our metabolism, thus burning more calories.

Breakfast cereals high in sugar

Sugar cereals do not have more calories than those without sugar (this is because complex carbohydrates and sugar both contain the same amount of calories), and the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, eating something sweet that will help you have a healthy diet, because you will no longer and not be bored. You can add yogurt and fruit to satisfy your sweet cravings if you do not often have additional sugar cereals.

Sugarless gum

Researchers have estimated that chewing sugarless gum a day can be considered as you are active enough to burn one kg within a year. And we should not forget that while you're chewing gum you can not eat anything else, this is so good to know how!

Beans and Lentils
Legumes--dried beans, lentils and company--prompt burning of body fat, stabilize blood sugar and have more protein than other plant foods. They also burn body fat and provide energy and protein! A meal with legumes raises blood sugar slowly and moderately, making you feel fuller for longer.

Statistics show that women who drink moderate amounts of alcohol will be thinner women do not drink anything. However, it is important that the amount of alcohol you drink, you should only drink one or two small glasses a day.

Boiled potatoes
Can boil the potatoes do not taste like bread or cereals other tempting dishes. But it will help you no without being fat.

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